Amalfi coast rentals, during all your vacation you will feel a real resident of the place.
In order to book a villa you can contact directly the property owners, that with their kindness and availability will help you choose the best time right for your stay, and together you can also define all the details, even managing to save money because there are no intermediaries. While if you prefer, you can contact a travel agency that will organize all for you, and in this way your only thought will be to prepare your suitcase. These villas are wonderful and enormous, in fact they consist of a kitchen, a living room, more bathrooms and many bedrooms so you can safely organize your holiday with friends because they are the ideal to accommodate large groups of people.
But the most enchanting place of the villa is represented by the terrace, from which you can admire a breathtaking view, so wonderful that it looks like a landscape of a fairy tale. Alternatively you can decide to spend your holiday in a bed & breakfast in the Amalfi Coast.
These buildings are situated in an unique geographical position: they are surrounded by the typical and fragant yellow lemon trees and by the green of the olive groves and of the vineyards, with a fantastic view on the sea.
They are the ideal if you want to spend your time to visit freely the coast and its natural beauties during all the day without time constraits for lunch or dinner because in these buildings you will have only breakfast and then you will return in the evening to sleep. Another kind of accommodation is represented by the farms holidays.
These buildings, surrounded by the green countryside of Amalfi, are run by local families. These people are very careful to the needs and to the well-being of their guests.
Choosing to stay overnight in a farm you can relax enjoying the natural beauties, but above all you can taste wonderful typical dinner made with ingredients cultivated by the farm owners. Here it is also possible to buy the typical products of the place as lemon marmalades or lemon liqueur.
If you are a lover of outdoor holidays, the right choice for you is to stay in a camping. Here, in the equipped areas, you will live a holiday surrounded by the green of the vegetation, but with the advantage of being to a short walk from the golden beaches and from the spectacular sea.